
LML:Silver–Nickel Contact Materials introduction

LML use kinds of contact materials for electrical contact rivet for switches,relays,breakers... ...
Silver–Nickel Contact Materials is a very popular type of contact material used worldwide, and especially in Europe.

Many customers of LML metal choose this type of contact material.

These are powder metallurgical contact

materials since silver and nickel have virtually no mutual solubility. This makes them

somewhat analogous to tungsten–silver except the nickel is used in much lower percentages

similar in volume percentage to the oxide level in silver metal oxides. The sintering

is done in the solid state and the process options for making these materials are similar to

those used for powder metallurgical silver metal oxides. The conductivity varies with the

volume percentage of silver since there is no decrease in the silver conductivity from alloying.

Like powder metallurgical silver metal oxides silver–nickel contacts can be made by

pressing, sintering, and coining individual parts or by wrought powder methods involving

sintering a billet followed by extrusion or alternative forming methods. The wrought

method produces fully dense materials, free of porosity. The particle size distribution of

silver–nickel contacts can be varied greatly by the powder metallurgical processes used

for making the powders and blending the powders. The nickel particle shape can also be

varied for these materials by variances in starting powder combined with different wire

and strip forming techniques.

A study of the particle size and shape effect on electrical erosion was done by Behrens

et al. [130]. They tested materials which varied in particle size from submicron to over

100 μm). They also had materials which had nickel fibers perpendicular to the contact face

and parallel to the face. The tests were conducted for break only at 115 A and 220 V ac AC-4

testing. The results showed no correlation for erosion with particle size. The orientation also

only made a difference for the initial part of the testing until an equilibrium layer of silver

nickel melt material had been established on the contact face. They concluded that silver–

nickel is a unique material since it establishes a nickel particle distribution on the surface

as a result of nickel melting and dissolving in the silver to a small extent during arcing and

then re-

precipitating on the surface. Therefore, regardless of the starting microstructure the

surface melt layer microstructure is similar for a given arcing condition. It must be kept in

mind that this study was limited to break erosion only and since the make erosion process

is different these conclusions cannot be extrapolated to make and break results.

Balme et al. compared three silver nickel materials and both fine silver and silver metal

oxide materials [131]. The testing was done in an automotive relay with relatively high contact

force, 2 N, for lamp loads with over 100 A inrush current on closing. The results were

reported in terms of contact resistance after endurance welding, and sticking that occurred

during testing. For welding resistance all three silver nickel grades, 10–40% nickel, showed

make welding resistance slightly better than fine silver but significantly inferior to the silver

metal oxide grades. With regard to contact resistance, the 90/10 Ag/Ni material was

just a little higher than fine silver but the 30% and 40% nickel grades were significantly

higher and similar to the silver metal oxide materials. Leung and Lee tested silver–nickel in

automotive relays and compared a 90/10 material to silver–tin oxide and silver–copper contacts.

They found that the silver–nickel was intermediate for contact resistance with silver–copper

and silver–tin oxide, but showed a higher amount of material transfer than either of

the other two materials [58]. One of the reasons silver–nickel is very popular is that it can be

directly welded onto copper substrates from wire. This lowers the contact assembly costs.

This same advantage for fabrication is a disadvantage for limiting applications where the

high currents cause contact welding in a device. Depending on the device and type of load

silver–nickel materials work best in devices not exceeding currents of 50–100 A.

Consists of silver–nickel contacts see below:

