
11 mistakes commonly made in china for foreign buyers

11 mistakes commonly made in china for foreign buyers

Except it's a good manufacturer for CNC machining,metal stamping ,rivet and silver electrical contact,LML Metal Products Ltd.(Dongguan) Also provide sourcing service with the customers has special purchase, as it located in Dongguan city- china's manufacturing center, LML has rich experience for sourcing in china.
For foreign buyers,there are 11 mistakes commonly made in china.

1 Not knowing the all-in cost of the China price” 
There is a lot of additional work to do on top of sourcing the product. Here are the key costs that make up the all-in China price:
Investment into Tooling
You may have to provide equipment to the factory.
This is especially common for customised products where a specific mould is needed to ensure the design of, for instance, the logo is correct.  

► Insurance for Tooling
The buyer has to be responsible for the safekeeping of their own equipment and to protect it from being used by the supplier to copy the product.
Stewarding services are available where a third party looks after the equipment when it is in the factory, and takes it away after the order is completed. 

► Shipping and Logistics
Know the all-in price of shipping rates

► Exchange Rate Volatility
The fluctuation of currency rates can lead to the product price changing after the initial agreement. Try to buy in RMB to lock in the price.  

► Emergency Visits
Last minute long-distance travel and accommodation can be costly but necessary for factory visits, troubleshooting etc.
Having someone on the ground via outsourcing can be less expensive.
2 Unrealistic price expectations
Some small buyers falsely assume that going Asia-direct will be magically reduce their unit price by a massive amount. They fail to realize that pricing is highly dependent on volume. For example, you can buy a set of 6 athletic socks at Walmart for 5 USD. Walmart buys in the millions of units and gets a great price. Even if the buyer found the Walmart supplier, it is highly unlikely that the factory would extend to the new buyer the same pricing concessions granted to Walmart. Most likely the factory sell price to the new buyer is higher than the Walmart retail price for commodity type items like socks.
3 Competing on price alone
As mentioned in item #2 above, it is unrealistic you can build a sustainable business going up against big buyers on price alone. You can try twisting the arm of the supplier to give you a lower and lower price, but until you have some volume, the supplier is not going to be supporting. And if you are only competing on price in the home market, as soon as you start to build some sales volume, the big players will take notice and crush you with their superior buying power and resources.
Solutions: Provide a superior product. Build a brand. Have great customer service…but don’t rely on price alone if you are a small volume player.
4 Thinking in months not years
New buyers often fail to grasp the complexities of sourcing direct from China. They assume things will move fast like when buying domestically. As a result they plan days for actions that will take weeks. And plan weeks when months may be more appropriate. For example, if you are doing anything customized, you may have to wait 30 days for the supplier to get the raw materials, 30 days for production and 30 days shipping. That’s assuming no problems along the way!So many buyers get excited and accept orders from their clients before the China supply chain is cemented and proven effective. Missing your lead times to your first round of buyers is a great way to go out of business.
5: Failure to conduct due diligence
Don’t assume that all the glitz and glamour at the trade fair is how the supplier is in reality – this can only be known with a visit to the actual factory. Another worry is that the trade fair rep is actually an intermediary or trader. 
Due diligence can simply be requesting information, such as a copy of the business license and customer references, to more investigative verification, such as checking on the financial balance and work conditions which require hands-on interviews and undercover work that a foreign buyer would need to outsource. 
6: Failure to audit the factory / falling for the golden sample
Factory audits and quality control (QC) are essential to China sourcing, because the supplier’s guarantee is not enough. Suppliers will also have perfect sample to show you to secure the contract, although the end product can be far worse than the initial sample. In order to make sure the product is of good quality and adheres to international standards, an external QC expert needs to inspect and certify the product. 
7: Who is the project manager?
Very few suppliers will make the effort keep you up to date about the production status – the buyer has to lead the project management. A common problem in China is the lack of communication; it is normal if the supplier does not contact you, although no news does not mean good news. Chinese suppliers will tend to conceal any problems, firstly because they don’
t want to “lose face”, and secondly the fear that you will quickly switch to another manufacturer. This is also why it is important to have staff on the ground in China to monitor and check regularly on the supplier. 
The key to communication is to try and build a good relationship – invest in time and talk to them in person and they will be more willing to reveal irregularities. Agree on steps in the supply chain to review the progress together.
8: Payments not linked to performance
Payment terms before signing the contract will lay out the project roadmap.
Structure the payment terms so that quality and performance is met. Almost never is 100% payment upfront needed to seal the contract. The most common term is 30% down payment and 70% after the goods are shipped, and this can be further elaborated into 30%-40%-30%: 
► The first payment is needed for the supplier to buy materials.
► The second payment occurs only upon confirmation of product quality through QC inspection and certification. ► The final 30% is paid upon receipt and inspection at the final destination.
Some suppliers may not agree to this arrangement for the first order, but if you buy regularly, pay on time and build up a good working relationship and mutual trust then the supplier will be more flexible. 
9: Arms length buying
A very common scenario: You meet the dream supplier at the trade fair and they give you the red-carpet treatment. You will get the tour of the factory as quick as possible, then a big dinner and then karaoke and all kinds of after-hours services. The problem is that many buyers are overwhelmed by the hospitality that they feel as if they are now good friends with the supplier. You should have a good relationship with your supplier, but this is not built up in one visit. Be professional; go back to your hotel after the dinner is finished. Otherwise, in return for the hospitality the supplier will expect that you won’t come down on them too hard because of a shipping delay, or you won’t inspect their products. 
10: Leaky contracts
Some buyers, at a terrible risk, just sign a purchase order without any written contract. You should always have a bi-lingual contract signed before you place an initial purchase order because only Chinese contracts are officially recognised in China. 
A common mistake is that new buyers often confuse the Incoterms and the payment terms. Incoterms, or International Commerce Terms, are international pre-defined contractual sales terms that used in a sales agreement to define the responsibilities and duties of each party. Payment terms however define where and how you should pay your business partner. 
If Intellectual Property is involved, make sure you sign a Non-Disclosure-Agreement. If you want
to use your design to produce in China, make sure you apply for a design patent instead of a copyright. As per definition of the Chinese law, a copyright may entitle a supplier to reproduce, publish and sell the produced goods under the copyright. It cannot provide effective protection if someone uses your design to produce a similar product.
Last but not least, include an arbitration clause into the contract. It is more convenient and less expensive for both parties to mediate outside of court  
11: Registering your intellectual property after you have been knocked off
Register the trademark for your product not only in your home country, but also in China. You don’t need to have your own company in China to do this – a registered official patent lawyer can do this and it is definitely cheaper than paying the price after you have been knocked off. 
In China, there are people who register trademarks with no intention of actually producing anything, but rather because you have to go to them to buy your own trademark back. In China the law states: “First to register” and not “first to use” as in most of the Western countries. Under “first to register”, the one who registers first is the trademark owner.  

Welcome to contact LML (www.lmlmetalproducts.cn) for sourcing service.


Guandong Chamber of E-commerce : 3th anniversary celebration

3th anniversary celebration for Guandong Chamber of E-commerce

On 24 Jan.,2015,Guandong Chamber of E-commerce hold a 3th anniversary celebration,about 500 persons from different company,different lines, differnt chambers,also the government attended this grand meeting.

Mr.suliang Zhu from Dongguan Zhiteng Plastic Co., Ltd  
- Exc-President of Guandong chamber of e-commerce

Mike Lee from LML Metal Products Ltd.

                      Friend Bob from England,he is very interested in the car                         air purifier from our chamber.

The representative from qingxi government

Mr. Peng from Shenzhen chamber of E-commerce

The president from brother chamber

New company:Molixin new product release

Mr.He from shanren company share:how to build a good website?

Guandong Chamber of E-commerce will be teaching practice bases of Beijing Institute of Technology

Guandong Chamber of E-commerce covers many different lines,including hardware machining,packaging,leather products,Home Appliances,Electronic Products...welcome to visit us.


About Alibaba.com 's Trade Assurance

                        About Alibaba.com 's Trade Assurance

Alibaba group provide more and more service with buyers and sellers by alibaba.com, in 2014, Trade Assurance was bron,this is very good service for both of buyer and seller, LML Metal Products Ltd. (www.lmlmetalproducts.cn) Also got Trade Assurance service from alibaba, the Trade Assurance amount is 17000USD$ in the first year,this amount will be bigger and bigger in the next monthes,so what's Trade Assurance and how to use Trade Assurance,read on.

1. What is Trade Assurance?

Alibaba.com Trade Assurance aims to enable every buyer to trade with confidence. It serves to protect your payment and ensure suppliers fulfill their promises regarding shipping dates and meeting product quality requirements (as stated in your purchase order). If suppliers have found to have breached these contract obligations, Alibaba.com will compensate 100% of your Trade Assurance Amount.

2. What does Trade Assurance cover?

It covers orders placed under the following conditions:

1) Orders are placed with suppliers who have agreed to participate in the Trade Assurance program,

2) The order is placed online via Alibaba.com,

3) You payment should be paid to the suppliers bank account which is designated by Alibaba.com.

3. What are the benefits of Alibaba.com Trade Assurance?

1) Safe payment: Get your payment covered by Trade Assurance Amount

2) The supplier adheres to your contractual obligations regarding order quality & timely shipment

4. What is the Trade Assurance Amount? How is it worked out?

The Trade Assurance Amount is granted by Alibaba.com to those suppliers who agree to join Trade Assurance and promise to abide by the Trade Assurance service requirements. Based on the suppliers qualification status and their transaction volume from the past 6 months, Alibaba.com will grant the supplier a Trade Assurance Amount, which can be used to protect buyers payments made to suppliers.

5. Does the Trade Assurance service charge fees?

The Trade Assurance service is free for both buyers and suppliers.

6. As the service is free for both buyers and suppliers, where does the refund payment come from?

The refund payment for the Trade Assurance Amount, if not paid by the supplier, comes from Alibaba.com and/or its affiliated company. If a dispute related to shipment delivery time or quality is deemed to be the fault of the supplier, Alibaba.com will first refund the buyer, and then recover the amount from the supplier. In case of supplier non-payment of the debt, Alibaba.com will bear the loss.

7. How can I or my company use Trade Assurance?

You need to search for suppliers bearing this icon . Place an online order via Alibaba.com with this type of supplier and make the payment to the verified suppliers bank account which Alibaba.com has designated.

8. How do I protect my payment (initial payment)?

Negotiate with your supplier and confirm the payment amount you want protected. Make sure it is covered by the Trade Assurance Amount when you confirm the order with the supplier.

If the supplier doesnt ship on time or the order quality does not meet your requirements contained in the contract, and your initial payment is protected under the Trade Assurance Amount, you will receive a 100% refund.

9. How do I ensure my order is shipped on time?

a) Make sure you have inputted the shipping date in the contract. In case the supplier doesnt ship or doesnt ship on time, submit a claim. After you submit a claim, the supplier should respond to the buyer and/or offer a solution. If the issues cannot be resolved, you can ask Alibaba.com to step in and make a determination.

b) If the supplier is found to be liable, then you will receive 100% refund of your Trade Assurance Amount. Alibaba.com will then seek reimbursement from the supplier.

10. How do I find the suppliers who will participate in Trade Assurance?

You can refine your supplier search with the Trade Assurance icon , and identify the suppliers with the same icon. Make sure the supplier you place an order with is one with a Trade Assurance icon.

11. How can a buyer confirm whether an order is covered by Alibaba.com Trade Assurance?

The buyer should place the order online through Alibaba.com with the qualified suppliers that have the Trade Assurance label and icon  with the Trade Assurance amount displayed along with their product listings. Input & confirm the shipping date when placing an order and timely shipment will be ensured under Trade Assurance. Once you select I also want to use Trade Assurance to ensure order quality, make sure your order quality requirements are clearly contained in the contract. The quality requirement should be measurable and detailed.

12. Why should suppliers participate in Trade Assurance?

1) The Trade Assurance Amount shows the supplier's qualifications and trade history

2) Suppliers who participate in Trade Assurance will attract more buyers and orders via Alibaba.com.

About Contracts

1. Why do I need to place an order online via Alibaba.com?

Placing an online order via Alibaba.com will help us to identify and track each order in case there is a dispute. The online contract with clear shipping dates and quality requirements will assist with making a judgment regarding a dispute.

2. How do I use the Trade Assurance Amount to safeguard my payment?

You need to negotiate and confirm with the supplier the initial payment amount, and make sure it is covered by the Trade Assurance Amount. Make sure the supplier has an adequate Trade Assurance Amount to cover your payment. This amount will be frozen when you confirm the order.

3. How is this Trade Assurance Amount related to Alibaba.com Trade Assurance?

The Trade Assurance Amount is the amount that will be protected in your purchase order. This agreed amount will be reserved for the buyer when an order is placed with the supplier. This amount will be frozen when you confirm the order. We suggest that you make sure this frozen Trade Assurance Amount is equal to the initial payment (deposit) you will make before shipment. If suppliers dont fulfill their promises regarding shipping dates and product quality as stated in the contract, you can submit a claim right away. After you have submitted a claim, the supplier should respond and offer a resolution. If the supplier doesnt offer any resolution and you are not able to resolve the issue with your supplier, Alibaba.com Trade Assurance will be exercised, and this Trade Assurance Amount will be used to reimburse you for 100% of your protected payment amount.

4. Under what circumstances is my payment safe?

The payment which is covered by the Trade Assurance Amount is protected. Make sure you have confirmed with your supplier the payment amount you want to be protected, and that an equal Trade Assurance Amount has been frozen in the contract. Please make sure you have placed an order only with a supplier who has agreed to participate in the Trade Assurance service, and the order is placed online via Alibaba.com.

5. How do I include quality requirements in the contract?

Firstly, negotiate and confirm with your supplier agreed quality requirements. These agreed quality requirements should be measurable and actionable. They will be used for the designated inspection company to inspect the goods quality in case there is a quality dispute. Make sure your supplier has agreed to the requirements in the purchase order and you have confirmed the order, with the agreed quality requirements, before payment.

6. What if there are no agreed quality requirements in the contract?

If there are no agreed quality requirements, Alibaba.coms system will remind you when the supplier asks for your confirmation of the order. You can request the supplier modify the purchase order and input agreed quality requirements. If you dont have any quality requirements but choose the ensure quality service, we will provide a standard inspection requirement for you to confirm in the purchase order. If it does not meet your quality requirement expectations, you should use the Request supplier to modify order tool to request the supplier to input your quality requirements in the contract.

7. What if the agreed quality requirements are not clear?

If your agreed quality requirements are not clear and are not quantifiable and actionable, in case of a dispute, we will adopt a third-party inspection companys recommendation of industry standards as a basis for determination.

8. How do I agree a shipping date with my supplier?

Input the shipping date in the purchase order and make sure it is confirmed by both you and your supplier.

About Payment

1. For my order, who do I make payment to?

Follow the instructions in the online order process and pay into the suppliers bank account, which has been designated by Alibaba.com.

2. Does Alibaba.com hold the payment?

Alibaba.com does not hold the payment. It will be paid to suppliers bank account which has been designated by Alibaba.com.

3. If the suppliers Trade Assurance Amount is not enough to cover my initial payment, how can I ensure payment safety?

Please make sure you are aware that only the payment amount which is covered by the suppliers Trade Assurance Amount can be protected by Alibaba.com.

4. If I want Trade Assurance to cover the entire payment for this order, what can I do?

You can negotiate with your supplier to use the suppliers Trade Assurance Amount to cover the whole order payment amount, and then make the entire payment at the one time, into the suppliers bank account which has been designated by Alibaba.com.

About Quality

1. How does Trade Assurance protects my order if there are issues with product quality ?

Firstly, it is an optional service. You have to click the I also want to use Trade Assurance to ensure order quality in the purchase order and make sure you have chosen this service. Once you select I also want to use Trade Assurance to ensure order quality, make sure your order quality requirements are clearly contained in the contract. The quality requirement should be measurable and detailed.

a) Before shipment: We recommend you strictly control the quality of the goods before shipment. If the order quality cant meet the quality requirements before shipment, you can submit a claim. After you submit a claim, the supplier should respond to the buyer or offer a solution. If the issues cannot be resolved, you can ask Alibaba.com to step in.

b) Alibaba.com will step into your case. Alibaba.com has designated three inspection companies (SGS, TUV Rheinland & Bureau Veritas) to conduct a third-party inspection of the order under arbitration. You can engage one of them to perform an inspection of the quality of your order. You are required to pay the inspection fee upfront. Alibaba.coms arbitration determination will be influenced by the third-party inspection company report. If the supplier is found to be responsible, then you will receive a 100% refund of your initial payment.

2. If I fail to include a quality requirement or clear quality requirement, what will happen?

If there are no agreed quality requirements on the purchase order, you will be reminded for such when the supplier asks for your confirmation of the purchase order. You can request the supplier to modify the purchase order by using the Request supplier to modify order on the system and allow the supplier to put in the product quality requirements. If you dont have any quality requirements, we can provide you with a standard inspection requirement for your confirmation in the contract.

About Shipment

1. How does Alibaba.com ensure each shipment and shipping date on the documents are real?

The supplier will use Alibaba.coms affiliated company's trade export services to export the goods, and therefore all data are retrieved directly from Customs and their data will likely be real and reliable.

About Claim

1. If I have a transaction dispute, how and when can I file a Trade Assurance claim?

You can initiate a dispute from the transaction section in My Alibaba, and the disputes entrance will be accessible to you once the order payment has been made.

2. Is the refund process complicated?

The refund process is simple, easy and quick. There are 4 simple steps: Submit Claim – Request for Alibaba.com to make a determination– Alibaba.com makes a decision - Refund.

If a buyer has a transaction-related issue, submit a claim right away. After you have submitted a claim, the supplier should respond to the buyer or offer a solution. Typically, buyers and suppliers can quickly resolve most issues on their own without Alibaba.coms intervention. If the buyer and supplier cant reach agreement, Alibaba.com will step into the case if either party files a request for Alibaba.com to make a determination.

3. When does Alibaba.com get involved in a trade dispute?

After a buyer submits a claim, the supplier has 15 days to respond and offer a solution. If the supplier cant offer a resolution or does not respond to buyer, then the buyer can request Alibaba.com step into the caseand make a determination.

4. In a quality dispute, whats the relationship between Alibaba.com and the inspection company Alibaba.com designates?

The inspection companies designated by Alibaba.com are fully-independent from Alibaba.com.

5. How long does a Trade Assurance claim typically take to resolve?

After you submit a claim, there are 15 days for the supplier to respond and offer a solution. If there is no agreement between you and your supplier, Alibaba.com will step into your case and make a determination. For late shipment disputes, the dispute determination process normally takes 7 days.

Welcome all of LML Metal Products Ltd. 's customers use alibaba 's Trade Assurance,if you have any more questions,please contact by email sales@lmlmetalproducts.com


How to find suitable suppliers in china ?

             How to find suitable suppliers in china ?

Finding suppliers, we all know some common ways,by internet,by fair or by introduction,in fact,by internet is the easiest way today and now it's safe and getting safer.

The best way to source Chinese suppliers is to use a website like Alibaba, which allows you to search through high volumes of suppliers using a range of different criteria. Its fast, effective and will make it far easier to single out a few promising prospects from the thousands of companies out there. However, some Chinese companies may have an untranslated or poorly translated website that doesnt tell you all you need, so if you can enlist someone to help you search in Chinese it could a worthwhile step.

Dealing with Chinese suppliers

The most important skill you can learn is negotiation. Haggling over the price, minimum order quantity and other terms of your order is far more common in China, and if youre willing to drive a hard bargain you can make real savings from original quote.

That said, Chinese manufacturers usually work on thin margins and quality does have a price, so dont get obsessed with chasing the cheapest price. Equally, you need to be realistic in your order estimates so they can work out exactly what they need to charge to avoid losing money.

Ideally, you would communicate in the same language; hiring a translator is often a necessary step. However you communicate, always make sure you send follow-up emails in which you reiterate what has already been agreed and ask them to do the same- this will cut down on the adverse impact of the language barrier.

Of course, you also need to make sure you have a contract drawn up by a legal practitioner who has good knowledge of Chinese trade so the terms are enforceable and comprehensive.

In the event of anything going wrong, it would be ideal to discuss the issue over dinner. But of course, thats unlikely to be an option, so Skype or something similar is the next best thing. Be prepared to wait until the end of the conversation to raise the difficult subject.

Quality control

If you can visit the factory at least once during production, then do so before the order is shipped. Alternatively, consider hiring an inspection company or sending a qualified person whom you trust. It may seem like youre wasting time and resources, but it will not be frowned upon in China and is vital to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Either way, you should already have an idea of the kind of quality to expect from the samples youve approved. As Open to Export points out, it can be a good idea to ask for one batch from the first shipment to be sent by air rather than sea, so you can check the quality of those products when they eventually arrive.

Payment and delivery

Pay in installments and hold some back until the shipment has been delivered - a 30-70 per cent split between order and delivery payments is common, but this is negotiable if you want to pay less upfront or increase the number of instalments so that some payment changes hands when the goods are received.

One of the most common arrangements in terms of shipping costs if FOB Hong Kong, where the supplier pays to get the goods to the port of Hong Kong and then you take over. But of course, this is up for discussion if youd prefer different arrangements.

Generally, your main delivery options are by air or sea. Air transport is a better option for small volumes or high values, or even if your products happen to be small and delicate - its faster and can often reduce the risk of damage. Ocean shipping takes longer but is better for bulky and heavier goods. Using a reputable logistics service is vital, since theyll usually be able to manage the whole process for you.

Take the hassle out of sourcing with AliSourcePro

AliSourcePro offers a single online platform to manage the whole of your sourcing process. Once you submit a buying request the suppliers will come to you - and because we filter the bids you receive; only the quotes that best match your requirements make it through. From there you can use the same service to contact suppliers, negotiate prices and request samples, as well as negotiating delivery. It even features a secure payment service so you know every installment is properly handled.

By taking the stress out of sourcing your products, youll save valuable time and resources 


Suppose you come up with a product idea or think you have market channels for certain products, and you want to find a supplier in China because of the low product development cost and low production cost there. If you Google the product name or concept, you will find tons of China suppliers/manufacturers. However, you still think you have not got one, because you want to find a capable and reliable one that would satisfy your specific needs and have a strong desire to do business with you. Many people get frustrated because they have been communicating with suppliers in China for months, but fail to move forward. The reason, most likely, is that they did not find the suitable one at the beginning. To successfully find a suitable China supplier, you need a strategy. This strategy will consist of awareness, knowledge and a good amount of homework. Below are some practical steps to find a suitable Chinese supplier for you.

There are steps before you place an order

Understand what you need. You need to first know what is available and have a way to categorize the information. Here are some categories to help you think about Chinese suppliers: manufacturer vs. 3rd-party supplier; Big corporation vs. small family-owned; 3rd-party supplier with in-house product development capability vs. 3rd-party supplier that just buys-in and sells-out; vertically integrated manufacturer vs. assembly-based manufacturer; etc. Properly categorizing the suppliers will help you understand what you need. For example, if you need to import products in a narrow range, you may choose a manufacturer other than a 3rd-party supplier. If you are a small business and need dedicated attention, you may want to develop a good relationship with a small family-owned business.

Do some preliminary Internet research to further develop your category system towards your specific needs. Create a data table to help you record the search result, so the job can be done more efficiently and effectively. The table should include columns like company name, contact information, business scale and scope, category check boxes (important), and notes.
Use search engines to search information related to your product name. The first 100 results would be the most relevant websites related to the product of your concern. You can also find your competitors' information and develop a better sense of market segment and marketing channels.

Use popular business directory websites to obtain very structured information for Chinese suppliers. The directory websites are also excellent resource to obtain industrial knowledge.

Narrow down the the list of suppliers you want to work with to a manageable amount. At this stage, you may already know what your real needs are and what is available. Initiate contact with the suppliers you want to work with, and further develop relationships with them. Eventually, you will find the one. The process can be fun and a friendly experience.

Find a Chinese local business to help you. The local man know how to check the supplier, some special business manner is unknown by the foreign ones, once you have a local guide, all your business work will be easy.

There are also some warnings during finding and choosing a supplier
  • Be aware that while the decision-maker may not speak any English, establishing good relationship (guanxi) with the top management is crucial for long-term success.

  • Email is good for exchanging product specifications, catalogue and price list. To establish a deeper relationship, a phone call is 10 times better than email. A personal meeting is 100 times better than a phone call. Many people want to start a business, so you have to show you are more serious. As long as your contact person uses English, you can just go ahead and give that person a phone call. It does not matter how much you and that person can understand each other; you can always follow up with an email.

  • Analyzing the types of suppliers has strategic importance. It will help you to understand where you are, what kind of results to expect, and what are the things you need to take care of in the mutual cooperation. You may want to have an experienced person help you to analyze the information. In your strategy, you will also need to include the consideration of the future contracting and operation. You may seek advice from Chinese professionals who understand the Chinese mentality, culture and business practices. You may get the incorrect interpretation if you visit the supplier's English website, or you could omit data that contains key information.

  • Information comes from seemingly insignificant data, for example, the email addresses may reveal useful information about Chinese suppliers. However, do not judge an address too quickly. You never know where good information can come from.

  • An independent third party can be an excellent idea for a quick cost effective review of potential suppliers before you choose one to visit. There are many companies in China run by westerners who do this and can provide a good bridge between you and your supplier at the start.

  • Consider accessing the U.S. customs records for your supplier to get an independently verified list of their shipments to the U.S. This will tell you who their customers are, how loyal those customers are, as well as the volume capabilities of your factory. Import Genius offers these hard-to-find customs records at affordable rates.

  • Document your product as effectively and as completely as you can. 3D drawings, 2D drawings, Bill Of Materials (BOM), photos, samples and prototypes are all good ways to do this. Sometimes, words just aren't enough.

  • Work with suppliers that have already exported their products to Europe or the US. Pay attention to the agent relationship. Many manufacturers may have their products exported to the US in good quantity through a third party supplier without an exclusive supply agreement. They may want to have direct channels to the US, and that might mean more business for you.

  • A visit to your supplier production site in China is the only reliable way to truly know its capabilities, to check that the data you have collected on the company is 100% correct, and that ISO & Quality principles are applied: Check the factory organization, its process flows, the quality of goods produced, the packaging, the workers' training level, the overall working conditions, equipment maintenance, etc. This will give you an indication of how the company is managed. A face-to-face meeting with the supplier's management team will also give you an idea of their experience and willingness to embark on your project. You will also be able to create a friendly relationship, which is crucial for your project!

  • Just because a site is ranked higher in Google search listing, this does not necessarily mean it is a more serious business. Some very good Chinese suppliers are not well-versed in having their website listed highly, while some other Internet guys can have their website listed very highly. Use your industrial judgment.
  • Beware of cheap electronic products sellers from China. Many online sellers of electronic products in China are fraudulent sellers. Unless you are buying in bulk and the products are shipped legally passing through custom checks, then most likely you are buying the product from retailer or wholesaler who do not have export license. This means there is no way to know whether the product is Real or Imitation unless you are an expert. Famous brands will not allow their supplier to sell below their normal selling cost, therefore the suppliers are either selling illegally or it is actually an imitation.
  • Be careful with suppliers sub-contracting your order! When facing a backlog of deliveries, Chinese suppliers usually sub-contract them partially or in full, without taking the precaution to inform their clients! Most of the times this leads to sub-standard deliveries

  • If you send out inquiries you will get tons of replies from suppliers of all kinds. Some guys may continuously send you product info for years, and are able to pass through all sorts spam protection. You may not want to use your primary email account to register with these sites.Contact a reliable outsourcing company